- Some of the following will guide you through the normal stuff, girls or boys want from romance. However, the real love should be composed through your own inner feelings.
And, this blog will help you bring out that feeling. Enjoy :-
Cute Things
Teddy bears are romantic. Puppies are romantic. Cherubic baby archers are romantic. Those photographs where two little kids exhibit an unnatural affection for each other and only the roses are in color are romantic.
Taking advantage of the intrinsic romance in cute things obviously depends upon recognizing which things are cute. The rule is simple. Small things are cute. If you see a food product in a grocery store that comes in a smaller package than usual, get it, because there's a very good chance it's cute. The same goes for travel size shampoo, toothpaste, and so on. Find a store that sells doll house stuff, and your supply of cute things can be limitless.Low Light
Candles are romantic. Sunrises and sunsets are romantic. Any kind of low light, you see, is romantic, hence why dinner dates after dark are more romantic than lunch dates at noon. Combine low light sources, and it stands to reason that the air of romance will be so thick, your beloved will be blind to anything else but the radiance of her shimmering knight in armor. Open the curtains on a sunset and light some candles, and you might even be able to get away with watching a football game during dinner.Red
Red is romantic, because red is the color of love and passion. Consider roses. Red roses mean, "I love you." Yellow roses mean, "Let's just be friends," which is synonymous with, "You are irritating, and I hate you." So you do not want to be wrong. Get her red roses, red ribbons, red balloons, red teddy bears, red puppies, and red tickets to the World Series, and she'll fall hopelessly under your spell.Background Music
Background music is romantic, and note the word "background," because not just any music is romantic. For music to be romantic, it must be too soft to hear. Also, it may not be lively or funny or good. Elevator music is the most romantic genre of music out there.Chocolates
Chocolates are not only romantic, they're complimentary. When you give a box of chocolates to your beloved, it says, "You could pig out on this tub of lard and bloat out to three tons, but you'd still be the apple of my eye." It doesn't matter if it's true -- it's the message that counts. But the real reason to give your loved one chocolates is because any loved one worth her salt will turn right around and offer you some. It's a win-win no matter how you look at it. Buy her a red one shaped like a heart, and you're in like Flynn.Fancy Curly Things
Flair and flourishes are romantic. Whenever you get her a greeting card, get one of the ones with all the curly pink scribbles on it. When you write her letters, make the tails of the 'g's and 'y's really long and the loops in the 'd's and 'b's and 'p's really big. That's way romantic. Notice how romantic the title banner at the top of this page is? The 'R' is particularly romantic, because it's red.The Most Intrinsically Romantic Thing Ever
Based on the data above, the single most romantic thing in the universe can be calculated scientifically. It is, simply, a small red candle made out of chocolate and shaped like a teddy bear holding a heart with scribbles all over it that plays a tune when you wind it up. Toss her one of these at sunset on your way to a frat party, and you'll be able to stay out all night and still strengthen your relationship.
Practical things are not romantic. Why do you think blenders and toaster ovens are so notoriously unromantic? Because they have an alternative use, of course. But get her a poofy thing that sits on her dresser behind her jewelry box, never to be touched or moved again, and she'll melt in your arms.Personal Stuff
Romance is personal. To be romantic, you must be personal and do personal kind of things. It's sort of romantic to buy a mooshy greeting card for your loved one, but to be really romantic, you should sign it. As far as birthday presents and so forth go, you can make the gift personal by carefully considering your beloved's interests and choosing a gift uniquely suited to her personality. Flowers always works.Your Time
One of the required ingredients of romance is your time. Nope, there's no way out of it.
Get Back Your Guts To Prove Your Love To A Person You Truly Admire - LoveCity2.Blogspot.com
Girls or Boys want from romance?
Why Love Is Important In Life?
"Love is the a beautiful feeling that expresses honesty, affection and at the same time friendship. Around the world people are concerned about solutions for many of social problems. The feeling love could be the key for many of that problems. Although, some people do not believe that it is possible. By beginning this sentence with "although" you lead readers to assume there will be a result at the end of this statement, but there is none. Reword this statement or provide a result. Problems that include world hunger and violence are some example of social matters that love could solve.
The most important reason why love could help the hungry problem around the world is the fact that love ties people together in a way to help each other. First of all, feelings such as caring about others and helping each other is also included in love. What does this have to do with hunger? Besides, someone moved by that magic feeling is more likely to do little actions that today's are being more and more rare. This is nonsensical. For example, to join a non-governmental institute that helps people with hungry or even feeding someone who needs food is a simple attitude that this feeling incentive people to do. This sentence is also nonsensical. Secondly, the spirit of sharing is not very common in today's world. In fact, people tend to be more selfish and caring less about others. However, love flourish that felling and make people more likely to share what they have. Love flourishes selfishness and caring less about others? This doesn't make sense. For instance, sharing the half a lunch with someone who does not have or even giving a piece of a fruit are attitudes that people moved by love often do. Therefore, love incentive Do you mean "motivates?" people help solve social problems, as hungry, which is just by us and we don't realize. This sentence is nonsensical.
Another important social matter that love could help to solve is the violence. It is undeniable that the first thing to associate with love is peace. First, that fantastic feeling attracts people around with a peaceful sentiment. For example, starting a fight or thinking of taking someone's life are thoughts that do not exist when one's are contagious by love. This doesn't make sense. Currently, the world is moved by ambition, revenge, and meanness. Usually when you read or watch some news the fisrt headlight Do you mean "headline?" that appears is about war, murder , or people being killed and there are anywhere to be safe. This doesn't make sense. As an example, a 20 year old student has been killed in Alberta, Canada by a lost bullet two months ago. Actions like that could be avoided when love is surrounding people lives.
In conclusion, Love This shouldn't be capitalized. is the answer for most of the world's questions. It is a necessary feeling in life because it is wonderful and magic. Also, it holds people together in way to help and care about each other!"
The most important reason why love could help the hungry problem around the world is the fact that love ties people together in a way to help each other. First of all, feelings such as caring about others and helping each other is also included in love. What does this have to do with hunger? Besides, someone moved by that magic feeling is more likely to do little actions that today's are being more and more rare. This is nonsensical. For example, to join a non-governmental institute that helps people with hungry or even feeding someone who needs food is a simple attitude that this feeling incentive people to do. This sentence is also nonsensical. Secondly, the spirit of sharing is not very common in today's world. In fact, people tend to be more selfish and caring less about others. However, love flourish that felling and make people more likely to share what they have. Love flourishes selfishness and caring less about others? This doesn't make sense. For instance, sharing the half a lunch with someone who does not have or even giving a piece of a fruit are attitudes that people moved by love often do. Therefore, love incentive Do you mean "motivates?" people help solve social problems, as hungry, which is just by us and we don't realize. This sentence is nonsensical.
Another important social matter that love could help to solve is the violence. It is undeniable that the first thing to associate with love is peace. First, that fantastic feeling attracts people around with a peaceful sentiment. For example, starting a fight or thinking of taking someone's life are thoughts that do not exist when one's are contagious by love. This doesn't make sense. Currently, the world is moved by ambition, revenge, and meanness. Usually when you read or watch some news the fisrt headlight Do you mean "headline?" that appears is about war, murder , or people being killed and there are anywhere to be safe. This doesn't make sense. As an example, a 20 year old student has been killed in Alberta, Canada by a lost bullet two months ago. Actions like that could be avoided when love is surrounding people lives.
In conclusion, Love This shouldn't be capitalized. is the answer for most of the world's questions. It is a necessary feeling in life because it is wonderful and magic. Also, it holds people together in way to help and care about each other!"
What do Girls exactly want from boys ?
Girls, obviously want a number of things.
But I'll tell you the really craving ones {believe me, girls do want it}
- The should always greet them with sweet words.
- Every spare moment should be spent with them.
- Call every night to say good night.
- Tell them they love you.
- Tell others how wonderful you are.
- Never compare badly infront of anyone.
- Should be matured.
- Brave enough to tell anyone they love you.
- Hurt anyone who dares to hurt the girls.
- Talk WHATSOEVER comes into their mind.
- Hold hands.
- Call everyday just to know how she is.
- Remind her everday how much you love her, how beautiful she is.
- Make her feel as the queen of this world.
- How lucky he is to have her.
That's all a girl can ever hope for......!!
Sometimes, its better to break it out rather than force it in !
So here are the steps :-
*Make sure you tell your boyfriend and girlfriend that you’re breaking up first. Yes, probably discussed it with close friends, but before you say “we’re done,” make sure you actually are.
*Try to break-up with the other person in person as opposed to email, text messages, etc. It might be harder to do, but at least there will be respect for the relationship you once had.
So here are the steps :-
*Find a private place to break-up. Don’t do it in front of friends or in an unfamiliar place. If possible, do it on their turf so that they can have a familiar location to be vulnerable in.
*Even though he or she might ask for details, try not to be too specific when it comes to explaining why you want to break-up. No one likes to be hit with the why-you-suck bomb.
*Don’t break-up by just ignoring or disappearing on the person. That’s just disrespectful.
*The sooner you can tell the other person, the better. However, if you find out that they are having a particularly bad day or are hit with a lot of things—try to wait and give them time to sort that out. 1-2 days max. You have a right to move on.
How To Look Super Hot (GIRLS) {Part 2}
Everyone wants to look good in front of their loved ones. AT first glance you might be passable, but let the lucky person know what kind of a person he's run into..!
SO to begin with -
1. Exercise and maintain a healthy weight, but try to not be fat.........it shows guys that you are okay with who you are. It is also often easier to stick to a good fitness routine if you can do it with friends, family or loved ones. Part of being drop dead gorgeous is to have confidence in yourself and that can be nurtured by having a physique you are proud of and comfortable in.
2. Hair. Brush your hair every day, unless you have curls, using a detangler spray to keep the tangles away. Get a straight iron, curling iron and even a crimper.
4. Smile. People look better when they smile. Use a brand of whitening strips that you trust and take good care of your teeth. Go to the dentist twice a year and get braces if you need them. You can even practice smiling in the mirror; it'll be a great start to your day and set you off in the right mood. You never know who is appreciating your smile. Brush your teeth after each meal to avoid having bad breath. If your teeth are not naturally white, go to a dentist to get them whitened or try white strips or whitening toothpaste. Avoid smoking, drinking a lot of soda, coffee, tea, and alcohol to keep your teeth white.
SO to begin with -
1. Exercise and maintain a healthy weight, but try to not be fat.........it shows guys that you are okay with who you are. It is also often easier to stick to a good fitness routine if you can do it with friends, family or loved ones. Part of being drop dead gorgeous is to have confidence in yourself and that can be nurtured by having a physique you are proud of and comfortable in.
2. Hair. Brush your hair every day, unless you have curls, using a detangler spray to keep the tangles away. Get a straight iron, curling iron and even a crimper.
- Go to the salon and ask what style will suit your face. Work with it a lot and use the right products. Experiment with a lot of different hairstyles.
- If you're not sure what hair cut looks good on you, ask your stylist what haircuts suit your face shape (round, oval, square, heart shaped).
- To get it curly lightly apply hair with styling spray and use a medium-sized iron to curl varying widths of hair. Undo slightly with your fingers. Then put mousse in.
- To get it straight use a dab of shine serum on damp strands before blow-drying with a paddle brush then use a straightener.
4. Smile. People look better when they smile. Use a brand of whitening strips that you trust and take good care of your teeth. Go to the dentist twice a year and get braces if you need them. You can even practice smiling in the mirror; it'll be a great start to your day and set you off in the right mood. You never know who is appreciating your smile. Brush your teeth after each meal to avoid having bad breath. If your teeth are not naturally white, go to a dentist to get them whitened or try white strips or whitening toothpaste. Avoid smoking, drinking a lot of soda, coffee, tea, and alcohol to keep your teeth white.
How To Propose A Girl
Asking your girlfriend to spend the rest of their life with you can be a very stressful time in a person's life. You do not know if they will say yes, or if they will say no. Worrying about finding a romantic and unique way to propose is also another worry men go through. Even though the traditional way of going down on one knee and asking them to marry you works, women today prefer to be asked in such a way that they will remember the moment for the rest of their lives.
So, we'll give you some Ideas:
- Taking your girlfriend out for a romantic trip and proposing during the trip is another way to do it while she is having a good time
- Women want this moment to be truly memorable. If you think that there are no new ways to ask your girlfriend to spend the rest of their life with you, you are wrong. It only requires a little effort and a lot of preparation on your part.
Apology's Letters
Cheating, more often than not, will result in a very awkward and stressful situation for both parties concerned in the relationship. If you have cheated and wish to apologize for your mistake, then writing an apology letter will not only show your sincerity but it may also help to express everything you want to say in a less than ideal situation.
Below are samples of an apology letter for cheating. Depending on your situation, these letters are written to address different needs.
________________________________________________________________Appology Letter Askin For Another Chance
If you have cheated on your partner but want another go at the relationship, then you might like to include a plea in your apology letter to be given another chance to make things better.
Dearest .......... ,
Sometimes, there are simply no words that can adequately express the depth of a person's feelings that are plagued by regret, guilt and sadness for a wrong done. This is my predicament now for hurting you so badly when you trusted me so.
A thousand "I'm sorry" I'm willing to say but I know it can't undo what has been done and it won't ease the pain in your heart. Instead, let me write this to let you know that I regretted my actions and cheating on you is certainly an unforgivable mistake. I totally deserve all the anger and resentment from you for what I have put you through.
However, it also pains me to see you suffering as a result of my misbehavior. Guilt burns in my heart thinking of all the hurt that you must have felt because of my recklessness. Each time that I think of you, I get angry with myself because I can imagine all the bitter tears you must have shed when you learned of my indiscretion.
I'm feeling like this because I know there is still love for you glowing in my heart. Otherwise, I wouldn't have cared one bit and moved on. But I don't want this relationship to end simply because I still care deeply about you and love you with all my heart. I truly want you to be happy again with me still being a part of your life.
Well, a mistake is a mistake. I know I don't have the right to ask anything from you when I have foolishly betrayed your trust in me. But if you can find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another opportunity to prove to you how much I love you, I will be very, very relieved indeed. For that would mean, I still have the chance to love and cherish you. And a chance to make your future a happier one with more laughter and less tears.
Lastly, I just want to say that I have faith in my love for you. I have faith that we will overcome the odds and make our relationship even better than before. Give me another chance and I have faith that, one day, we will look back at this and be glad that we didn't walk away from each other.
Loving you always,
I'm Sorry Letter With A Wish For Your Partner's Happiness
Sometimes, it will be hard to demand anything from your partner when you have cheated on him/her. For all the hurt you have caused, you might not want to put unnecessary pressure on your partner to reconcile with you. In fact, what you simply want may be just for him/her to be happy to lessen your own guilt.
Dearest ......... ,
First, let me say that I'm sorry for the hurt that I have caused you. I know an apology now will do little to heal the pain. I know it's useless to say sorry when the mistake seems unforgivable. But neither do I want to remain silent as if I don't care one bit about what I have done and the bitterness it brought you.
Not many can live with the idea of being cheated upon. Not many can put the past behind them and revive a troubled relationship. Not many can, again, find happiness in a man/woman who has betrayed their trust. I understand that perfectly. The wound in your heart requires time to heal and it is only right that I allow you the space to do so.
This relationship of ours is now at a crossroad. But I know that the decision of where we go from here is not mine to make. I have relinquished that right when I cheated on you. If you feel that you can no longer find it in your heart to love me the way you used to do, I will accept your decision, although it will be with a ton of regret and sadness. Because deep in my heart, I still love you and wish fervently for a chance for our relationship to bloom once again.
But to me, what matters is your happiness and well-being. If you can no longer feel love, trust and security in our relationship, and wish to walk away, I won't stop you. Once again, I'm truly sorry for what I have done. Whatever you decide from hereon, all I want is just for you to be happy and for the pain in your heart to go away. And hopefully, it will, one day, very soon.
Thinking of you,
Dearest ......... ,
First, let me say that I'm sorry for the hurt that I have caused you. I know an apology now will do little to heal the pain. I know it's useless to say sorry when the mistake seems unforgivable. But neither do I want to remain silent as if I don't care one bit about what I have done and the bitterness it brought you.
Not many can live with the idea of being cheated upon. Not many can put the past behind them and revive a troubled relationship. Not many can, again, find happiness in a man/woman who has betrayed their trust. I understand that perfectly. The wound in your heart requires time to heal and it is only right that I allow you the space to do so.
This relationship of ours is now at a crossroad. But I know that the decision of where we go from here is not mine to make. I have relinquished that right when I cheated on you. If you feel that you can no longer find it in your heart to love me the way you used to do, I will accept your decision, although it will be with a ton of regret and sadness. Because deep in my heart, I still love you and wish fervently for a chance for our relationship to bloom once again.
But to me, what matters is your happiness and well-being. If you can no longer feel love, trust and security in our relationship, and wish to walk away, I won't stop you. Once again, I'm truly sorry for what I have done. Whatever you decide from hereon, all I want is just for you to be happy and for the pain in your heart to go away. And hopefully, it will, one day, very soon.
Thinking of you,
Apology Letter With A Separation Request
If you want to initiate a separation after you have cheated on your partner, you can also explain that in your apology letter. While that seems a little cruel, sometimes, we may indeed need to be cruel in order to be kind, especially if we know the relationship would not last.Dear .......... ,
A successful relationship is built on love, respect and trust. And when trust is broken, it is not easy to rebuild. It is me who allowed the trust to evaporate overnight between us with my selfishness and unfaithfulness. For that, I'm really sorry for all the hurt and pain that I have inflicted on you.
I know no amount of apologies will be sufficient to heal the wound in your heart. Because of that, I don't know what else I can do to make you feel better, except perhaps, for me to give you the time and space to lessen the pain. A separation will also give both of us a chance to collect our thoughts and decide where we want to go from here.
It is not easy to commit a wrong and then walk away. The guilty feeling never fails to gnaw at the heart. As much as I want to say sorry and promise you happiness once again, I also do not want to end up hurting you even more months down the road. It is just too cruel to make promises now that I sincerely do not know whether I will be able to keep, given the many challenges in our relationship todate.
I know there should be no excuses for cheating. But what is done cannot be undone. I have hurt you badly. I have failed to be a faithful partner. I have betrayed the trust you put in me. The onus is now on me to rebuild the foundation of our relationship and regain your trust. But this is also where I fear I will fail horribly. Instead of making things better, I'm just afraid I will end up prolonging your misery.
So, that is why I believe a separation will do us a world of good. Let the dust settle and we will be able to look into our hearts and see a clearer picture of our feelings for each other. If ours is a true love, I'm sure we will find a way back to each other's arms. If we don't, perhaps, it is just not meant to be.
I'm sorry once again for all the hurt I have caused. Time will heal all wounds and I hope the next time we meet, it will be under less stressful circumstances, whatever the status of our relationship may be.
'Till then please take good care of yourself.
Sincerely yours,
A successful relationship is built on love, respect and trust. And when trust is broken, it is not easy to rebuild. It is me who allowed the trust to evaporate overnight between us with my selfishness and unfaithfulness. For that, I'm really sorry for all the hurt and pain that I have inflicted on you.
I know no amount of apologies will be sufficient to heal the wound in your heart. Because of that, I don't know what else I can do to make you feel better, except perhaps, for me to give you the time and space to lessen the pain. A separation will also give both of us a chance to collect our thoughts and decide where we want to go from here.
It is not easy to commit a wrong and then walk away. The guilty feeling never fails to gnaw at the heart. As much as I want to say sorry and promise you happiness once again, I also do not want to end up hurting you even more months down the road. It is just too cruel to make promises now that I sincerely do not know whether I will be able to keep, given the many challenges in our relationship todate.
I know there should be no excuses for cheating. But what is done cannot be undone. I have hurt you badly. I have failed to be a faithful partner. I have betrayed the trust you put in me. The onus is now on me to rebuild the foundation of our relationship and regain your trust. But this is also where I fear I will fail horribly. Instead of making things better, I'm just afraid I will end up prolonging your misery.
So, that is why I believe a separation will do us a world of good. Let the dust settle and we will be able to look into our hearts and see a clearer picture of our feelings for each other. If ours is a true love, I'm sure we will find a way back to each other's arms. If we don't, perhaps, it is just not meant to be.
I'm sorry once again for all the hurt I have caused. Time will heal all wounds and I hope the next time we meet, it will be under less stressful circumstances, whatever the status of our relationship may be.
'Till then please take good care of yourself.
Sincerely yours,
If You Want To Share Your Experience On Cheating...........Feel Free To Write Your Thoughts Here
How to Keep Your Relationship Going Strong
Relationships are sometimes difficult and almost feel impossible at some points, but there is hope if you hang on just a little bit longer.If you are having some hard times in a relationship in your life. Take some time to breath and think before you come back and speak what is on your mind this is the only way to deal. You have to clear your mind back away and think about everything. If you are completely happy and there are no signs of trouble just remember that everyone needs their personal space so do not forget to give your loved one theirs.
- BE QUIET!!! Do not over talk your partner listen to what they are saying. Respond to let them know you are listening to them, but take time to think about what your partner has said to you before you really respond. Do not just say the first thing that pops in your head. Especially if you are in the moment of a heated battle.
- After you have given them their space then just get lost with each other. Let the outside world disappear and do not let any stress from your normal day to day life affect your time with your partner. Even if it is hard to do it is not impossible to do.
- Make Love not War is the best and only way I can describe being the most happy you can be in a relationship. Okay a lot of people say that sex is not all that a relationship is about, but come on it has a lot to do with it. Sex is a big part of life and as long as you can do it DO IT. Make it exciting and always allow yourself to let go with your partner do what you like and enjoy it. As long as it does not break any laws or hurt anyone one enjoy your sex life.
- Now after you have given them some space. Listened to what they had to say, and rocked their world in the bedroom. Now it is time to turn on the sweet talk let them know all the wonderful things you feel about them tell them how beautiful or Handsome they are, how intelligent they are, how wonderful they are, how lucky you are to have them, how much you love them.
- Most importantly keep your business to yourself do not go around gossiping to family and friends about what is happening in your private relationship. Keep it between the two of you and work it out amongst each other.
How to Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend
Break up can really be so damn hurtful. But despite the pain and hurt that you feel you still think and miss her company, then you must really be in love with her still. But before you jump into anything and rush things up, take a little of your time first to read this article to be able for you to fully make use of the one and last chance that you have to win her back for good.
- The very first thing that you would need to do when thinking of ways to get her back is to give it some time to think about the situation. Try to analyze what went wrong, make a self evaluation, and try to read the circumstances. This way you would be able to determine the factors which lead her to the decision of ending your once sweet and seemed-never-ending relationship. Having been able to decipher everything you would be able to devise a perfect plant to win her back.
- Now, the most common reason why girls opt to leave their man is usually because of faded attraction. If the things that she has found interesting about you have been lost, they would usually look for the same interesting characteristics with another guy. Now if this is the case, the best thing that you must do is to give her some time and space to think.
- Do not chase after her immediately like you cannot live without her. This might add fuel to her frustration and might lead her to thinking that you are too lame and weak. No chasing after her means no late night calls, text messages, emails, or any form of contact with her; and most importantly, never go to her favorite place, at least not just yet! What you need to do is to make her feel that you are still the best man for her. That she could not find the same traits and characteristics that made her fell in love with you the first time that you met, to another fella.
- Pump yourself up, think about your strengths, and strengthen them more. Also, think about the things that she has most complained about when you were still together. If she hated your ugly beer bellies, then work it out! Go to the gym and build some muscles and six pack abs if possible. Have your hair cut and get yourself some new clothes.
- Be more sociable, go out with old friends and be happy. This would do a lot more in building your confidence and would help in making yourself all new yet a little better. This is in preparation of the big day that you would accidentally meet. Seeing you happy after your break up, not to mention the fact that you have not “shown interest” to be back with her, would make her think of you!
- Finally, after sensing that she also still feels the same way as you do, court her back again and do everything for you to get back together. At least do the same things that she liked you both doing when you were still lovers. You may also incorporate some changes with your style but make sure not to overdo it. Remember that you are banking on the hope to win her back by rekindling the lost attraction and desire.
But Wait! : Sometime situation may be different and you may need to approach differently to get your girlfriend back. Are you thinking it is very difficult or it is impossible to get her back? If you are then you are wrong.You are the person whom your girlfriend loved a lot. So, in all situation you can win her back. Even if she is with another guy, you can still get her back in your arms.
How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
1. Ask yourself what made him decide to break up with you. Was it because of how you are with him or probably your attitude towards him or his friends? Was it because you were too lax with your relationship that you’ve already taken it for granted? Thinking about such things will give you tips on what to do next.
2. Minimize contact with him. If you’re with the same circle of friends and you can’t help but see each other during get-together, ignore him as much as possible. Don’t be the first one to talk to him, and if he does, keep the conversation short. But while you do, doing the things that made him notice you the first time is helpful. Make him crazy with the things that first attracted him to you, whether it is the way you smile or the way you walk, or probably just the way you are with friends.
3. Don’t act too desperate to win him back. Don’t call or text him. Doing this will make him miss you more. Constantly calling him will only make him feel you’re too desperate to get back to him. Also, as much as you want to, don’t be the first one to suggest that you want to get back with him.
4. Get out and hang out with friends. Keep yourself busy. Going out will help you forget how devastated or frustrated you are with the break up. Your friends might even help you and provide some advice on how to get your ex boyfriend back.
5. Always be yourself. There is certainly a reason why you and your ex boyfriend were once attracted to each other. It could be something that he saw on you the first time he met you that he’s probably not seeing now. You might have changed a lot, and that change made him break up with you. Be that someone whom your boyfriend has first come to know.
Sign Of Cheating In a Relationship
Why cheat? Is it for the thrills of being a part of something illicit? Or is it in reality a cry for help and attention? There are many reasons why a partner cheats but according to an online survey, a majority of the people (both men and women respondents) said they cheated because of relationship problems.
What are the signs that a partner is cheating?
Suspicious Behavior
A cheating partner will usually exhibit a strange or uncommon conduct. For instance, your spouse might have mood swings that you cannot attribute to anything specific, like their jobs or the problems in your family. He/she might suddenly get angry or defensive when talking about things that he/she considers too "personal" or "intrusive." According to a recent survey, the majority of cheating instances take place at work. If your partner suddenly works longer hours, is always on business meetings, or calls home that he/she will be late because of sudden changes in the work schedule, then he/she might be cheating on you.
Lack of Intimacy
One of the things that make a spouse suspect that the other is having an affair is the lack of intimacy. Your partner’s sexual interest or behavior changes until it seems that he/she is becoming a different person and you start to wonder whether you know them at all. Sexual intercourse, physical contact, and expressions of love and commitment also tend to become less frequent.
Time and Money that is Unaccounted For
Money and time, which cannot be accounted for, are usually red flags of cheating. A cheating partner may spend too much time on errands that usually do not take them a long time to accomplish, like going to the salon, getting the car washed, or going to the gym. You may also find receipts for purchases that you never see or big credit card bills that your spouse cannot explain.
Positive Changes in Physical Appearance
If your partner suddenly takes special pains to look and dress better, it might be because he/she is trying to impress someone. That someone could be you or another person. Women usually start wearing new clothes or lingerie, which are sexier than what they normally wear. Men are also inclined to buy new clothes and take extra care when it comes to grooming. A cheating partner can spend too much time looking at the mirror to check his/her reflection that it becomes noticeable.
Strange Phone Calls and Messages
A spouse who has something to hide, like an affair, will usually have his/her phone with him/her at all times. You might notice that he/she spends a huge amount of time having whispered conversations. Calls are made to and received from names or numbers that you do not recognize. If your partner takes his/her phone everywhere but does not answer when you call or the phone is always turned off when he/she is out with friends, there is a big chance that your partner is cheating on you.
Unless you caught your partner in the act, these signs are all circumstantial. Listen to your intuition but give your spouse the chance to explain. After all, you could be wrong and that can jeopardize the trust that you have for each other.
How to Look Attractive (Girls) {Part 1}
Remember confidence is a very important thing : If you are self-conscious, chances are, you won't look or feel beautiful.Take care of your hair : Get it trimmed regularly (search online for colors and styles that best fit your face shape and hair type).
- Body language says a lot : Stand up straight. Let others know that you respect yourself, and they will follow your lead. Plus, it has the visual effect of smoothing out any bulges that aren't particularly flattering. Posture is important and can make you look more attractive.Standing or sitting slumped burns fewer calories then sitting or standing up straight.
- Understand the value of inner beauty. There are "pretty" people in this world, but beauty is common. A bad attitude makes the difference. Being horrible towards others can make you seem really ugly, and make people stop paying attention to your looks.
- With that in mind, remember that all the makeup in the world won't help if you are unhappy and negative towards others.
- Love yourself, love others and you will feel and look great.People are attracted to and feel comfortable with people who respect themselves. Liking yourself and respecting yourself doesn't mean you are conceited, it just shows others that you are happy about your appearance.
- Never sacrifice your personality or looks for someone else.
- Be yourself, be warm to others, and feel great. Soon enough, others are bound to notice.
- If your friends give you positive compliments, don't try to change them into negative ones. Accept them and use them to make you feel even better. Expressing a modest "thank you" is much healthier than putting yourself down.
- Get enough sleep. This will help you to always look your best. Regular sleeping patterns help your body to effectively regenerate and feel great the next day! Avoid sleeping on your face, this will cause wrinkles.
- Smile with your eyes. The eyes are the window into one's soul, so if you smile with your eyes, people will immediately be drawn to you.
- Believe you are beautiful! If you don't think it, no one else will. Simply look in the mirror and say this: I Am Beautiful. Although you may not think so, everyone is beautiful in their own way. You can look the part by smiling. That is the easiest way to be pretty way. Remember - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
How to Look Attractive (Guys) {Part 1}
Hair and Nails
- Have a masculine-looking haircut.
- Some boys look good with hair gel or mousse in their hair, so fix up your hair in the morning. Gel adds definition to short hair while mousse can add volume.
- Use a good shampoo and conditioner every 2-3 days. You might be able to cut corners and buy an inexpensive shampoo, but you absolutely cannot cut corners on the conditioner. If you have dandruff, use a shampoo and conditioner designed for dandruff.
- Break Bad Habits: Don't bite your fingernails. Keep them cleaned (use a special nail brush for this) and trimmed to an appropriate length. And buffing can make them look good as well. Break other bad habits as well.
- Don't wash your hair everyday; it will wash out your hair's natural oils, leaving your hair very soft and flat. Instead, wash thoroughly every two or three days.
- Skin Care
- Wash your face each morning with a gentle soap and a plastic wash pouf, rinse thoroughly, Make sure to follow the same routine before going to bed, leaving out the moisturizer if you have oily skin. This can also prevent skin aging.
- Strive for a skin tone you are comfortable with. Do not over obsess about tanning. Just get some sun or a tan a few times.
- Eating Healthy
- Try to avoid excess junk food.
- If you're on a diet, make sure you eat your fruits and vegetables, salad, potatoes, pasta, or soup. Make sure you drink plenty of water or organic juice. Empty calories (whether from fats or simple sugars) which contain little other nutrition (vitamins, minerals, and fiber) will eventually show in your hair, nails, skin, teeth and gums -- not to mention your gut.
- Learn to prepare food. Start with simple things - boil eggs, make sandwiches and salads, cook burgers and steaks, heat frozen veggies, boil rice & pasta.
- Some magazines will show you how to dress well as far as the latest fashions are concerned, as well as demonstrate how to behave in situations that call for the clothes they describe.
- Don't forget that the basics are timeless: solid color polo shirts, blue jeans, plain white and black t-shirts [(without advertisements or graphic designs), blue blazers, lace-up dress shoes, and white sneakers. You'll always look presentable.
- Remember to wear clothing which fits well. Clothes a size too small do not make you look thinner or smaller. Dark clothes will help you look a little thinner.
- Dressing right can be very important to girls, but you don't have to go spending hundreds of dollars on the latest and greatest styles. A nice shirt and a clean pair of jeans is more than enough. Try a polo shirt, and a clean pair of somewhat loose jeans. Also, keep your clothes clean. Girls tend not to like a guy who wears a filthy, tattered shirt and baggy, dirt-encrusted jeans. Just be sure it's comfortable for you or else she'll pick up on your discomfort and think it's her.
- Remember, people have their own minds, and as such has her own thoughts, opinions, and ideals. Don't be confrontational or force your controversial opinions, such as politics.
- Always strive to be of great style, taste, conversation, studies, love, admiration, charisma, and genius. Human beings of planet earth will love you.
- Always think before you speak. If you find yourself asking yourself why you just said something, you are not thinking before you speak. This leads some people to try too hard to be funny, or get tied up in the heat of the moment.
- Always try to be caring. Go out of your way to make each person feel special. Be a gentlemen. If you are breaking up with a girl, do NOT try to hurt her. She will tell her friends, and they will tell their friends. Never seek vengeance. Vengeance shows others that they shouldn't trust you.
- Do not act better than anyone else. Treating everyone as an equal and not being annoying will go a long way when it comes to women, and friends.
- Be clear in your words. Do not repeat yourself, state the obvious or what is already known, and think about everything you say before you say it. This will carry you a long way and make you more intelligent.
- Be sweet and sensitive, and listen. Don't treat girls like you would guys.
- Don't always swear and make crude comments. It makes you look immature. Talk about something interesting, and girls love a guy who has a sense of humour and is funny!
- When you are trying to impress girls, don't do stupid and dangerous things because most of the time, the girls aren't impressed.
- If you want to attract a girl, you should concentrate on presenting a challenge. The key to attracting more women is to be unique, which means you should NOT play the "nice guy" role. Think about how many other guys have kissed up to her by basically doing whatever she wants. How does the behavior of other guys differ from yours if you play nice? That's right: it doesn't. Nice guys are bland, unoriginal and subsequently, replaceable. By being a nice guy, this automatically puts you on a low emotional level in her mind since you are no different from the next guy. Show her that you have a life, have other options, and that she can be replaced at any time if you please. Show off your masculinity and demonstrates that you are now an actual challenge for this woman and that she must pursue you in order to win the "prize" - that's you. If you do not break away from the nice guy persona, women will keep mentally throwing you into the 'boring' or 'plain' and recycle bin. The "Cat String Theory" states that if you dangle a string in front of a cat, it will do everything to get it. But if you just give the string to the cat, it will become uninterested and find something else. Apply this to women: if you don't challenge her or give her the "supplies are limited" and "offer will not last" impression, she will quite simply move on. Show her that if she wants this "deal", she must take on your challenge; THIS is what attracts her and makes you different from every other guy who believes kissing her butt will eventually win her over. Give the impression that you don't know if you're really interested in her and she will work for you.
- I'm sorry, I know I'm not editing this right but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life. Sure you don't want to be a suck-up and do whatever she wants to do, but you don't need to demand something from her and tell her she can't do what she wants to do if you do that she will feel like you are controlling her and she will feel like she can't make her own decisions and that is bad. And whoever wrote this is stupid because you don't know what it does to girls when we feel like we're a piece of crap, and that's what it comes across as when you're "Showing her you have a life and that you have other options" that's pure stupidity. And when she feels like this when she tells her friends (and trust me she will) you will become the bad guy to all of her friends, and any of them that might have had a crush on you will realize your just a big jerk and that they can do much much better.
Btw.......it differ frm girl to girl tht wht type of boy she wants...!! :P
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